MONTREAL The new regulations can be found here (French only) Chapter I Section V Rules 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 13.4 MORE INFORMATION IN OUR FAQ PAGE If you need more information about backflow prevention, read our FAQs here.
Hudson Watering Ban 2015-07
HUDSON WATERING BAN. LAWNS ONLY. Effective on July 17, 2015, the town of Hudson has banned the watering of lawns at all times and until further notice. The watering of gardens is still permitted during the normal watering times, but all watering of lawns must be stopped. If you want more information, you can follow…
New By-Laws West Island
BEACONSFIELD The new Beaconsfield regulations can be found here KIRKLAND The new Kirkland regulations can be found here SAINT-ANNE-DE-BELLVUE The new Saint-Anne-de-Bellvue regulations can be found here MORE INFORMATION IN OUR FAQ PAGE If you need more information about backflow prevention, read our FAQs here.
How to change your “Seasonal Adjust”
Save water and protect your lawn by simply changing your programming. Please be careful when you adjust your “Seasonal Adjustment”, we have programmed your controller to stay inside your watering restrictions up to 100%. If you go above 100%, you can water longer than your municipality allows. If your controller is not listed below, please…